CCSS: 3.MD.A.1, MP2, MP5, MP6

TEKS: 4.8C

Mighty Good Teacher

Comfort dogs are appearing in schools across the United States

 Adam Hunger/AP Images for Scholastic Inc

The newest staff member at Howard C. Johnson Elementary School in New Jersey is short, quiet, and calm. His class meets in a small trailer. He never assigns homework, but he does need to be walked and fed. He’s a small, friendly comfort dog named Mighty!

Animals like fish, hamsters, and turtles have long been classroom pets. But recently, comfort dogs have grown in popularity at schools nationwide. The dogs help students practice traits like  kindness and responsibility.

Two teachers at the school were inspired to get a comfort dog after learning about a program co-run with Yale University. When a small, good-natured dog from Tennessee went up for adoption last year, the teachers acted fast.

The newest staff member at a New Jersey elementary school is short, quiet, and calm. His class meets in a small trailer. He never assigns homework. But he does need to be walked and fed. He’s a small, friendly comfort dog named Mighty!

Animals like fish, hamsters, and turtles have long been classroom pets. Recently, comfort dogs have grown in popularity at schools nationwide. The dogs help students practice traits like kindness and responsibility.

Two teachers at the school learned about a comfort dog program co-run with Yale University. After, they were inspired to get a dog for their school. Last year, a small, good-natured dog from Tennessee went up for adoption last year. The teachers acted fast.

Adam Hunger/AP Images for Scholastic Inc.

When Mighty arrived, students began taking care of him. Some took turns walking and feeding him. Others created budgets to manage money for his care. When Mighty isn’t at school, he lives with a teacher.

Angelina Nguyen, age 11, was excited for Mighty’s arrival. Sometimes, the fourth-grader felt lonely. “Mighty makes me feel like I have a very best friend,” she says. 

Others were more uncertain about the pup. James Giummo, age 8, had been afraid of dogs. The third-grader was so fearful that he avoided visiting people who had dogs. At first, James was nervous to meet Mighty. Over time, James felt more at ease. Now, “Mighty makes me feel calm and happy,” he says. 

This is Mighty’s second year at the school. The entire school community has noticed a positive change. Students are less stressed about tests, more well behaved, and more compassionate. 

“Mighty is the perfect dog for us,” says Vihan Patel, age 9.

Mighty arrived at the school. Students began taking care of him. Some took turns walking and feeding him. Others created budgets to manage money for his care. When Mighty isn’t at school, he lives with a teacher.

Angelina Nguyen is 11 years old. She was excited for Mighty’s arrival. Sometimes, the fourth-grader felt lonely. “Mighty makes me feel like I have a very best friend,” she says. 

Others were more uncertain about the pup. James Giummo, age 8, had been afraid of dogs. The third-grader avoided visiting people who had dogs. At first, James was nervous to meet Mighty. James felt more at ease over time. Now, “Mighty makes me feel calm and happy,” he says.

This is Mighty’s second year at the school. The entire school community has noticed a positive change. Students are less stressed about tests. They are more well behaved and more compassionate.

“Mighty is the perfect dog for us,” says Vihan Patel. He’s 9 years old.

Elapsed time is the amount of time between the start and end of an event. You can use a number line to help you find the time that has passed.

Last year, Mighty came to school on Thursdays. He arrived at school at 8:30 a.m. He stayed until 4:00 p.m. How long was he at school? 

Last year, Mighty came to school on Thursdays. He arrived at school at 8:30 a.m. He stayed until 4:00 p.m. How long was he at school? 

A. One Thursday, first-graders had a lesson with Mighty that began at 9:40 a.m. and ended at 10:10 a.m. How long was the lesson with Mighty? Show using a number line. 

A. One Thursday, first-graders had a lesson with Mighty that began at 9:40 a.m. and ended at 10:10 a.m. How long was the lesson with Mighty? Show using a number line. 

B. If a special class, like art or music, lasts 10 minutes longer than a class with Mighty, how long is it?  

B. If a special class, like art or music, lasts 10 minutes longer than a class with Mighty, how long is it?  

Mighty needs breaks during the day. One Thursday, students walked him at 10:30 a.m. for 10 minutes. Afterward, Mighty had three back-to-back classes that ended at 12:15 p.m. How long was he in class in total? 

Mighty needs breaks during the day. One Thursday, students walked him at 10:30 a.m. for 10 minutes. Afterward, Mighty had three back-to-back classes that ended at 12:15 p.m. How long was he in class in total? 

Teachers have 45 minutes at the beginning of the school day and 30 minutes at the end of the school day to spend with Mighty. The rest of the time is for students and Mighty’s breaks. How much of Mighty’s time is not spent with teachers? (Hint: Use your answer from question 1.) 

Teachers have 45 minutes at the beginning of the school day and 30 minutes at the end of the school day to spend with Mighty. The rest of the time is for students and Mighty’s breaks. How much of Mighty’s time is not spent with teachers? (Hint: Use your answer from question 1.) 

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