In Google Classroom, you can share DynaMath content with your students in three ways: by creating an assignment, asking a question, or making an announcement. Here’s what you need to know.
When you create an assignment, you’ll see a screen that looks like the image above. You can customize your assignment in the following ways:
- Students: Use the dropdown menu to manually select which students receive the assignment. (All students in your Google Classroom are selected by default.) This is a fantastic tool for leveling!
- Title and instructions: Name your assignment and add any extra directions for your students.
- Due date: Pick a due date for timed assignments or leave the default “no due date” for open-ended projects.
- Topic: Tag assignments by topic to keep track of how they fit in to your curriculum. You can pick a tag you’ve used before from the dropdown menu or create a new one.
Once you’re finished on this screen, click "assign" and you’re ready to go!